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Click Start Round to begin playing.
For each round, you'll have 10-20 seconds to identify as many word relations as you can.
If the relationship is
meronym, you may be asked to
"Name parts of a face?"
To which you might answer...
- eyes
- nose
- ears
- mouth
- chin
Press the
TAB key or
ENTER to create another box for word entry.
You may also be asked to confirm relations as well. You'll see a pair of words, and should respond
Yes (y) if the word pair matches the shown relationship, or
No (n) otherwise. You can also press
Undo (z) if you misinputted.
"Is this the opposite of unknown?"
To which you would select
You get points for naming words.
Your score for each word is a percentage of how many other players have also said it!
Bonus points are awarded for words in
WordNet, a handcrafted lexical database.
Repeated words or empty boxes will not be considered for scoring.
Have fun!